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Showing posts from November, 2010

Dinasiavirgin (Euthanasia)

Nov 7, 2010 They've been saying it for a long time—they finally got him today. The rathole where i live, there's a shack on the side where 2 old people stay, my landlady and the senile (poopdropping) landlord. They had an old old dog tied near the outdoor tiled sink and they've been saying it's useless so they're gonna get rid of it one day. That was Bachoychoy—really old stinker—too old to stand up except to eat, ask for water, sleep, poop, etc—looked like a grizzled brown chowchow with mangy hairless red arms (inflamed) ending in long claws. I used to feed him leftovers—he was grateful and my hand would sometimes get too slow to avoid his grateful licks. Anyway, at 6am today—I was in bed still groggy from the Tanduay rum—I heard the old landlady say "There's a gate near the sink, you can come in there..." Those were instructions for the executioners—I covered my ears but did me no good. The first two blows were followed by long howls tinged with regr