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Showing posts from September, 2008

Friendster Blogs 2.0: new gains, new pains

Here's how the blog editing box appears in Firefox 3.0 for Windows: The Firefox Linux version looks like it's Windows counterpart. Below that is the Google Chrome (beta) version (not interested in Internet Explorer -- i use it up to puking point at work): The third pic is how it looks like under Konqueror in Linux: Looks like we're stuck with HTML tags under Konqueror right now. Who'll fix that, Friendster or KDE? I understand it has to be Friendster if it were a case of non-compliance to web standards (like many websites that prefer Internet-Explorer-take-it-or-leave-it). Last pic is of the formatting codes clogging the blog extracts: There's always version 2.0.1. ;) [Update: Yey! Most of these have been fixed :)]

Kewl Chair

Cebu's SunStar Daily (tabloid-sized newspaper) will soon publish a magazine dedicated to call center people (I raise my hand, ehem ;) ). Named Log/on, this magazine sports the slogan "dissecting the BPO culture." BPO -- Business Process Outsourcing -- is the idea that makes call centers thrive in India, China, and Third World countries like Pinas. ;) Hmm, wonder what they mean by 'culture' -- is it the behavior at work demanded by the clients'/vendors' bottomline? Is it the spirit generated by the interconnected lives of all the people high and low brought into this game? Or is it just the collective sleaze steaming (there's a pun) from the call center industry and it's camp followers -- some call it "The Call Center Lifestyle". Probably all of these. The teaser for the maiden issue is intriguing -- tattoed and blinged androgynous male, face hidden and the rest of the artwork obscured by a (is that x-tacy) haze of neon retro motifs . .

Shameless plug . . .

By the way, Friendster Blogs 2.0 butted in [hehe] just as I was about to move my blog over at my  Multiply account -- which means i may have to stay with Friendster afterall -- finally, the long awaited "archives" link. . . . I use my Multiply account mainly for uploading pictures and t-shirt designs. Check these out: Hidden Landscape shirt -- for shroomies of all ages ;) WINWAMKOH (What If Ninoy Were A Macho Kind Of Hero) Dragon (Soccer) Ball I do have to try out blogging @ Multiply. [edit: been there, done that -- i like dis one better.] [edit2: now a friend is tempting me with WordPress -- hmm -- i'm not that wordy . . . but let's see. . . .] Ciao for now.


Good things come to those who wait. Amen. September was the month I had in mind to assemble my own PC -- meanwhile, I'm using a roommate's laptop for doing internet stuff -- we just got DSL wired last week, hehe. Can barely contain the urge not to oversurf. Sometimes things get annoying -- one is bound to hear "it's my turn!," "browsing while uploading pictures is going to make it slow," yada yada -- even though no one takes my place when i concede. Could have bothered to remember that I'm the one who solved the ethernet-not-working problem (i installed Linux). Sure does put the term 'personal' computer in a sinister light. Enough of that. As i said, I wanted to finally assemble my own PC this september but then things cropped up -- money matters i need to attend to (not me, i need very little -- people i care about) -- so i had to delay the target a bit. I hope this sacrifice turns out good. Or at least interesting. . . . A Chinese curse goe