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Showing posts from February, 2008


I don't like to call my current workplace 'site' (it's a call cenner, for crying out loud). Many of my coworkers do ... it's hip. But the word 'site' for me evokes images where there's a big hole or burn in the ground or where there's a generally unpleasant thing happening -- crash site, mine site, bomb site, dump site  . . . . A beehive of frantic activity . . . On second thought, they may be right -- it is a 'site' afterall . . .

One More Ting. . .

My body clock tells me it's time to sleep now . . . in preparation for my 2am shift tomorrow. I'm very sleepy and about to sink in. Speaking of deep -- i heard 'profound' means "just before you hit rock-bottom." Of the cliff? Where the best prayers are said -- just before one hits the bottom... And Terry Pratchett says 'wizard' came from "wyz" + "arse" = one who is, at the bottomline, clever. Don't mind me -- i'm just on my way to the bottom....

Well-Fed Stagnation

I'm currently working for a call cenner -- it's the in thing -- for pinoys like me who need the money and have a little English in their belts. It's the first company that i applied in -- and who hired me not for my degree (or lack thereof) -- during my exile to Cebu so I'm grateful. It's just that it's not my line of work -- i'm more at home doing graphic design than dealing with people. It's been six months since i got kicked out from my cocoon at Visca. [Speaking of cocoon -- isn't that the thing that rots in order to release the new creature?...] And so here i am in Cebu -- my workplace has it's share of people who were looked down on while they were in Visca -- and who have risen to be top-performers in their new career. They have 'metamorphosed' so to speak -- but not me -- I prefer to be on the sidelines, watching the parade -- i like to have the best view. I'll be here for a short while only, i hope -- then go for a job i'