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Wired to the World's Arse

There's this concept of 'synchronicity' -- seemingly unrelated events that have a connection because -- how do i say it -- they all occur because of the times they are in -- 'spirit-of-the-times' (yeah, dat's it). Of course, without the person to point it out, we won't know of the sync (yeah, right -- the old tree-falling-in-the-forest routine) -- and more recently the term has also been applied to people's innate ability to recognize patterns and to the patterns themselves -- even Cosmic Patterns (but i'm going off track).

What I wanted to share was the TV show my housemates watched yesterday (I don't normally watch Sunday noontime concert shows [another aspect of that circle jerk that passes off as competition between the two (Philippine) networks waddahel).

Noontime shows (prepare to pick up your IQ 25 floors down after watching) have a lot of commercials -- depending on the time of day and target audience. I watched the Nido milk commercial -- yes, that one showing kids doing yucky [well, only if you don't belong to the unwashed masses] things in the name of learning and friendship:

I'm sorry . . . I got dirty, I got stinky, but see . . . I learned.

Then [the TV show] A.S.A.P cut in to a Mother's Day tribute to the Megastar, Sharon Cuneta -- and then she invited the audience to her new film "Caregiver" [Segue to the trailer (as a rule, for Philippine movies, you don't have to watch the film if you watched the trailer already) and all the [literal] ass-wiping involved with being a caregiver (kinda reminds me of my job -- sniff!). Then bam! The connection:

I'm sorry . . . I got dirty, I got stinky, but see . . . I earned.

All in the name of our loved ones and a better life. Diaspora -- The Scattering. Filipinos are now everywhere. We are our number one export. That's breaking up our families. If there's any consolation, we are not the only people who experienced this -- think of the Jews, the Slav nations ('slav' originally meant slave) -- any defeated nation is bound to experience it (does not matter whether that defeat was self-administered or not). And then if any nation is known for specialist services, there will be demand also -- the Byzantine emperor's Varangian Guard, the pope's Swiss Guard, the Gurkhas, English nannies, Manny Pacquiao, Efren 'Bata' Reyes, Lea Salonga, mail-order brides . . . ahh and caregivers and call center agents.

This might be a consolation -- synchronicity -- 'diaspora' is better rendered as 'seeding off' -- we are seeding the world with our people -- we are raising the children of our masters, we are changing their babies' diapers (as well as that of their old people) -- what could come of it, this tapping into the bottom of their young and old demographic? Children's minds are molded by those who take care of them. The valuable experiences of the old are imparted to those who listen to them. It could only make us stronger -- nasty stuff, excreta, but it could make us stronger.

Which reminds me of the Mushroom Management Technique -- keep us in the dark, feed us sh_t, and watch us grow. . .

And here I end this post -- because we have already touched bottom -- and there's nothing in there but sh. . .t.


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